Yellow mouse scalping




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Product Description





Yellow mouse scalping


Yellow mouse scalping is a fully automated Expert Advisor designed for trading at night in a calm market. The strategy is night scalping. To find entry points, standard RSI and ATR indicators are used. The closing of transactions takes place according to the author’s algorithm, which significantly improves the ability to control risks and security of the deposit. Thanks to a wide range of settings, each user can choose an acceptable risk / reward ratio. Risky martingale strategies are not used.

Monitoring the work of the adviser, as well as my other developments, can be found at

Video description of the settings and examples of work can be found here

General Recommendations

The minimum deposit is 50 USD, the recommended timeframe is M5. The EA opens trades in a calm market, execution and spread are not crucial for the operation, but still have an impact on the result.

The default settings are intended for trading on EURUSD, TF M5. GMT +2 broker time (in winter time)

When testing, it is important to consider that the adviser is sensitive to the time of opening trades. Therefore, testing for a period older than 1-1.5 years does not make sense, since temporal characteristics of ticks are strongly distorted.

The main settings of the EA can be viewed here –

Check for yourself by comparing the time of the release of important news on the calendar in the past with the time of market reaction by bars in the strategy tester.

Yellow mouse scalping

Yellow mouse scalpingYellow mouse scalpingYellow mouse scalping

Reviews 16
takoya ki


takoya ki 2019.08.20 14:56  



The support from the author is great.

When estimating the maximum loss, note that this EA has multiple positions by default.



felixchang 2019.05.27 09:40  


This is one of the very few developer who has created one of the best EA that really works and with good deposit protection. Every now and then you just see money pouring in. Of course there are losses but the profit will more than offset the losses. The set up is easy, just use the default and off you go.

One very important consideration while I think so highly about this product is that the developer is a real trader standing solidly behind his product. There is no questions unanswered. Whenever there is any doubts or problems, you can be assured that he is handling them prompty. Some time I am not sure if he ever sleeps 🙂 In fact, Vasiliy Kolesov is so helpful in every aspect and I am truly grateful to him.

EA Yellow mouse scalping –

Monitoring of work on a real account –

Telegram chat for questions

Telegram channel for operational information

                                      EA yellow mouse scalping input parameters 

Open_night_Monday permission to open trades in the night from Sunday to Monday, on/off;
Open_Friday – allow work on Friday, on/off;
Start_hour – the hour when the EA starts opening deals;
Start_min-minutes when the EA starts opening trades;
Stop_hour – the hour when the EA ends opening trades;
Stop_min – minutes of the end of the opening trades Advisor;
No_Open_after_SLoss_hour-ban on opening new trades after the stop loss is triggered in hours. At 00-disabled;
Close_Friday_Time – the closing Time for all trades on Friday. At 00: 00-disabled;
Close_hour – hour for closing deals by time. When setting 00:00 – disabled;
Close_min – minutes of closing deals by time. When setting 00:00 – disabled;
For_candle-closing deals on the “lifetime” after the first order, on/off;
close_candle – the number of bars through which trades will be closed;
PercentBalansRisk – maximum drawdown as a percentage of the balance, at which all trades will be closed automatically;
Autolot – autolot, on/off:
Autolot_size – the initial lot that the EA will use when Autolot is enabled;
Autolot_for – the amount of Deposit that the EA will use Lot for when Autolot is enabled;
Real_SL-physical stop loss;
Real_TP-physical take profit;
Virtual SL-virtual stop loss;
Slippage – maximum slippage at which the EA is allowed to open trades;
Virtual TP-virtual take profit;
Magic-the magic number by which the EA distinguishes its positions from other orders;
Add_fo_close_bar-opening additional orders at the opening price of a new bar, on/off;
Time_open_fo_add-time limit for opening additional orders with the Stop_hour parameter, on/off;
Max_orders – the maximum number of additional orders that the EA can open;
Delta_open – the minimum distance between the additional orders;
Max_spread – the maximum spread at which the EA is allowed to open positions;
Close_fo_close_bar-closing orders on a closed bar, on/off;
Trand_filtr -Filter trend of the day. When enabled, trades are opened only in the direction of the daily trend, on/off;
Retum_sig_RSI-Closing trades on the reverse RSI signal, on/off;
RSI_period – period of the RSI indicator;
Up_level – the upper level of the indicator, above which the EA will open sell;
Down_level – the lower level of the indicator, below which the EA will open buy;
ART_period – period of the ATR indicator;
ART_from – the lower limit of the indicator value range where the EA is allowed to open positions;
ART_to – upper limit of the range of values of the second indicator, in which the EA is allowed to open positions;
ATR_Auto_for_tester-the parameter for passing autovalidation in the Market, in real trading and testing should be Turned off!!!


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