Good Morning Ultimate




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Good Morning Ultimate


Good Morning Ultimate – Tradeview ECN Real Forex Trading System by Forex Trader hokuto (

Good Morning Ultimate EA trades at the end of the American session , all trades have a take and stop, large targets: 160 pips TP , 50 pips SL. All trades are forced to close at 23:00 Japan time. Does not trade on Monday mornings, does not carry over the position through the weekend.

The settings in the adviser are sewn in, all pairs are traded by one adviser, each pair needs to be covered with a separate instance of the adviser.
Also, be sure to adjust the trading lot in the adviser settings for your deposit, by default it is trading with a lot of 0.1, which corresponds to a deposit of $1000 for each currency pair, if your deposit is $100, you will set a lot of 0.01


Quite an interesting advisor focused on trading currency pairs with JPY, when tested on history, it shows really decent results, we conducted a back test of the advisor on the USDJPY currency pair, the results were provided above, we tested with a minimum deposit of $ 50 and even with such a small deposit the result was satisfactory, the adviser earned 68% profit in 7 months, of course, despite the fact that an extremely small deposit was chosen, the maximum drawdown was slightly overstated, but nevertheless the adviser coped with the task, but I still recommend secure the deposit and using a minimum of $100 for each currency pair.
As for monitoring on a real account, here, as usual, the situation is worse than in the tester, the adviser has been trading for three years and earned 100% profit, and this is also a good result, and by the way, the adviser consistently brought profits until March 30, 2022 and then when the markets began unpredictably feverish, the adviser began to drain the deposit and dropped from 106% to 38% in 3 months, all this happened until June 30, after which the expert again begins to rapidly gain momentum and for one month inclusive, as of today, when I write this article 02/08/2022, he accelerates the deposit and currently brings 100.41% total profit!!!
Perhaps right now is the moment when you need to put this adviser on your account and not miss the moment to start earning, but maybe not !!!
In any case, if you still firmly decided for yourself to put this adviser on your account, please act prudently, do not run to the bank for a loan or no put the last money on a deposit, enter into your account and risk only the money that you are ready to lose, since the market this is a harsh thing and it doesn’t matter if you owe money to the bank or mortgaged your house on a deposit and you will have nowhere else to live, the market doesn’t care and it will just break you and won’t look at your problems, it will just leave you with nothing if you don’t follow the elementary rules !!!



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