Gegatrade Pro
-97%Product Description
Gegatrade Pro V5.9 + Presets
Gegatrade Pro EA is a Cost Averaging System with a Sophisticated Algorithm.
It is secured by a built-in “News WatchDog” system that suspends trading during news events.
Trading Strategy
Gegatrade Pro EA is based on the fact that most of the time the price usually moves between the upper and lower boundaries of the trading channel.
Basing on this fact, Gegatrade Pro places its first trade, assuming that the price is going to return to its average value and take the profit which is defined.
If the price leaves the trading channel and continues further in this direction, then Gegatrade Pro starts its “cost-averaging strategy” which will add new trades from the same direction based on its Mathematical Algorithm and increase the overall position.
When a pull-back of the price occurs, Gegatrade Pro closes the whole basket of orders.
It is advised to use Low spread ECN brokers with a starting balance of 3000.
For full description:
- UseTrailingStop — Enable or Disable the use of trailing
- TrailingStart — the points at which trailing will start
- TrailingStep — steps to trail in points
- TrailingRoom — the points allowed before closing the trailing
- Use Support Resistance Long — Use Support and Resistance Levels for Long direction
- SR Support Resistance Long Period — The TimeFrame used for Support/Resistance Long direction
- Min SR Distance Long — Minimum distance (in pips) between Support/Resistance Levels for Long direction
- Start SR Long at Level — The level at which Support and resistance leveling starts for Long direction
- Use Support Resistance Short — Use Support and Resistance Levels for Short direction
- SR Support Resistance Long Period — The TimeFrame used for Support/Resistance Short direction
- Min SR Distance Short — Minimum distance (in pips) between Support/Resistance Levels for Short direction
- Start SR Short at Level — The level at which Support and resistance leveling starts for Short direction
- EAWorkMode — switch between BacktestMode or LiveMode
- DrawingOn — Show Past news on chart
- ShowDashboard — Show Statistics on chart
- ShowBalance — Show Balance on chart
- GMTOffSetOfBroker — The GMT Offset between your broker and GMT time
- Trade comment — a comment for trades
- MagicNumber — Trades ID
- MoneyManagement — FixedLot/UseMM. Use fixed lot to trade or Money management
- Start Balance — The balance to use when MoneyManagement is chosen
- LotSize — Lot Size
- Risk — Percent of the “start balance” to use for trading
- TradingDirection — The direction you wish to trade
- MaxSpread — Maximum spread to allow trades (recommended 10 points or bellow)
- PauseLong — Pause long trades
- PauseShort — Pause short trades
- MartingalePauseLong — Pause the Martingale for long direction
- MartingalePauseShort — Pause the Martingale for Short direction
- TakeProfitLong — Take profit for Long trades
- TakeProfitShort — Take profit for Short trades
- Use_SL — True/False
- Stop Loss Long Percent Balance — Stop loss for long direction
- Stop Loss Short Percent Balance — Stop loss for Short direction
- Short Minimum Distance level 1 till 10 — The minimum distance in pips between levels
- Long Minimum Distance level 1 till 10 — The minimum distance in pips between levels
- List of symbols for news filter — Currency Symbols to choose for filtering the news Example: USD,EUR,GBP,CHF
- Show lines for news in the past — Show old news on chart
- Pause Long or Short before an importance News — Each of the 12 pause inputs will pause number of minutes before or after a News Event
- PauseAfterLevel — Pause trading after a certain level
- PauseLongAtLevel — level to pause at for Long Trades
- PauseShortAtLevel — level to pause at for Short Trades
- DrawdownInCash — amount that you wish to receive Push Notification when it is reached
- SendPushNotificationOnDD — send Push Notification about your DrawDown
- SendPopupAlertOnDD — Alert from your MetaTrader 4 about your drawdown
- StartTradingInMondayTime — Time to start trading on Mondays
- EndTradingInFridayTime — Time to stop trading on Fridays
- PauseBasketOnNews — This will pause adding more trades when News event is active
- MinBarDistanceLong — minimum bars to allow a long level
- MinBarDistanceShort — minimum bars to allow a short level
- UseCounterTrades — Use Hedge yes/no
Counter trades (Hedge) lot size calculates as percentage of main lot size.
Example: if initial lot is 0.10 and CTinitial lot is 0.3, then CTinitial lot will open 0.03 lot.
- CTInitialTradeLotSize = 0
- CTLotSize_1 = CTLotsize corresponds to percentage of each main level, there is 10 Levels to set you can define each CTLotsize with a percentage of the main Level.
Example: Main level 5 = 0.10 lot, CtLotSize_5 = 0.5, then the lot size for countertrade level 5 will be 50% from the main level 5, which is 0.05 Lot Size - StartCounterTradesFromLevel — the level at which CT will start
- CounterMagicNumber — a unique number for CT trades
- HedgedAveragePricePips — the average pip in profit at which CT + main basket close
- UseMAfilterLong — moving average filter for long direction enable/disable
- MAperiodLong — moving average period for long direction
- MAlevelLong — moving average level to allow Long direction (in points)
- MaLongTriggerDirection — above or below the MA to trigger a long trade
- MaLongTimeFrame — Timeframe used for MA filter
- UseMAfilterShort — moving average filter for short direction enable/disable
- MAperiodShort — moving average period for short direction
- MAlevelShort — moving average level to allow short direction (in points)
- MaShortTriggerDirection — above or below the MA to trigger a short trade
- MaShortTimeFrame — Timeframe used for MA filter
In order for the “News WatchDog” Feature to function, you should check box Allow WebRequest and add “” into your WebRequest URL list.
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