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Product Description


Forex Robot Arbitrage ✅ – profitable market neutral low risk strategy.
No martingale ✅.
No grid ✅.
Trades many currency pairs in the same time.
Based on statistical arbitrage strategy and quantitative analysis algorithm.
Analyses live market data in real time and generates accurate entry signals.

Forex Arbitrage Benefit

Statistical arbitrage and cointegration trading strategies are one of the most interesting available so far, used by many hedge funds around the world and very used in algorithmic trading.

What is Forex Arbitrage

Forex Arbitrage Robot identifies arbitrage situations through mathematical modeling techniques.
✅ Statistical arbitrage doesn’t depend on the news background, socio-economic or political events — something that makes the strategy stable over time.
✅ Statistical Arbitrage Robot EA strategy itself assumes a low correlation with current market conditions.
✅ Forex Arbitrage Robot – Safest Investment Strategy in the World Stable Over Time.
💰 The general characteristic of forex arbitrage strategy is a “low risk” profit. ✅ Good Profitability at Low Risk.

Forex Arbitrage Robot – Stable Profit Over Time

Forex Robot Arbitrage generates consistent profits, stable during high impact news, the return on capital does not depend on whether the market is rising or falling, or whether the Dow Jones or Nasdaq indexes are going up or down. statistical arbitrage (or Stat Arb) known as a deeply quantitative, analytical approach to trading. Statistical arbitrage strategies are market neutral because they involve opening both a long position and short position simultaneously to take advantage of inefficient pricing in correlated securities.

Forex Robot Arbitrage Performance

Forex Arbitrage


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